The Ultimate Guide for New Visa Holders with Working Rights in Australia

G’day, mates! Welcome to the land Down Under! If you’re reading this, you’ve probably just arrived in Australia with a visa that grants you working rights. Congratulations on embarking on this exciting adventure! Now, let’s get you started with the top five essential things to do as soon as you touch base in Australia:

|1. Get a Mobile Phone SIM Card

Staying connected is essential, and getting an Australian SIM card for your mobile phone is a top priority. There are several reputable mobile network providers to choose from, such as Telstra, Optus, Vodafone, and more. Here’s how to get connected:

  • Visit a local retail store or kiosk for your preferred provider. Some of them are present also at the airport
  • Choose a prepaid or postpaid plan based on your needs and budget.
  • Purchase the SIM card and insert it into your phone.
  • Follow the activation instructions provided with the SIM card packaging or online.

Having a local phone number will make it easier for you to stay in touch with family, friends, and potential employers.


|2. Apply for a Tax File Number (TFN)

A Tax File Number (TFN) is a unique 9-digit number issued by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) that you’ll need to work and pay taxes in Australia. To apply for a TFN, follow these simple steps:

  • Visit the ATO website ( and click on the “Individuals” section.
  • Search for “Apply for a TFN” and fill out the online application form.
  • Provide your passport details, visa information, and Australian address.
  • Submit the form, and you’ll receive your TFN in the mail within a few weeks.

Having a TFN is essential as it ensures you’re paying the correct amount of taxes and allows you to claim any applicable tax benefits.

Yes, you can start working even if you don’t have your TFN yet (but you have applied for it). You just need to let your employer know and as soon as you have it, communicate it to him. 


|3. Access Medicare under the Reciprocal Health Agreement

If you’re from a country that has a Reciprocal Health Agreement with Australia, like Italy,  you may be eligible for limited access to Australia’s public healthcare system, Medicare. This agreement covers essential medical services and subsidizes prescription medications. Here’s how to apply:

  • Visit a local Medicare office with your passport, visa, and supporting documents to confirm your eligibility or click here to apply online
  • Fill out the Medicare enrollment form, which is also available online at
  • Once your application is processed, you’ll receive a Medicare card, which you can use when seeking medical services.

Remember, Medicare is not a substitute for private health insurance, so consider getting additional coverage for comprehensive healthcare.

Medicare does not cover Ambulance, most dental services for adults, glasses, contact lenses and hearing aids and cosmetic surgery. 


|4. Set Up a Bank Account

Managing your finances efficiently is crucial during your stay in Australia. Setting up a bank account will allow you to receive your wages, pay bills, and handle transactions with ease. Here’s how to do it:

  • Research different banks and compare their account options, fees, and features.
  • Visit a local branch with your passport, visa, and proof of address.
  • Speak with a banking representative to open an account that suits your needs.
  • Once your account is set up, you’ll receive a debit card that you can use for everyday transactions.

Choosing a bank with a wide ATM network will make accessing your funds more convenient.

You can also start the application online while you are still offshore but you will need to visit a branch to confirm your identity once arrived in Australia. 


|Secure Your Superannuation (Retirement Savings)

As a working visa holder, your employer is required to contribute to your superannuation, which is your retirement savings fund. When you leave Australia, you may be eligible to claim your superannuation. Here’s how:

  • Before leaving the country, visit the ATO website and search for “DASP.”
  • Complete the online Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP) application.
  • Provide your personal details, visa information, and superannuation fund details.
  • The ATO will process your application, and if approved, your superannuation funds will be transferred to your nominated bank account.

Leaving your superannuation to grow until your retirement is a wise financial decision.

To apply for the superannuation you just need to compare some of the superannuation like Australian Super or Hostplus etc, choose one and then visit their website and apply for it. Remember that your super details will stay with you forever until you change superannuation fund or close it, so every time to change employer you need to give them your superannuation details as per the TFN. 




As you embark on your Australian adventure with a visa granting you working rights, taking care of these top five essentials – applying for a TFN, accessing Medicare, getting a mobile phone SIM, setting up a bank account, and securing your superannuation – will ensure a smooth and enjoyable transition.

Australia offers a vibrant culture, breathtaking landscapes, and numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. By handling these practical matters swiftly, you’ll have more time to explore and make lasting memories in this beautiful country. Best of luck, and remember, the journey is just beginning. Cheers!


If you would like to book a consultation with one of our agents, just call us on (08) 6117 4152 or write us at [email protected] or click on this following like to book your appointment . We will assess your circumstances, qualifications and experience to design the best option for you and your future!

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